xi măng fabrica de la planta trituradora


The express train (called Chang'an) that starts from Xi'an and heads towards Europe and Central Asia made its maiden journey from Xi'an to Alma-Ata in Kazakhstan, via Baoji, Urumqi, and Alashankou, on November 28, 2013. Although a late starter, the Chang'an Express is making rapid progress. It now has four lines, two to central Asia (Xi ...

Xi inspects Urumqi in China's Xinjiang

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, inspected a university, an international land port area, a residential community and a museum in the city of Urumqi, capital of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, from Tuesday afternoon to Wednesday morning. Xi visited Xinjiang …

Writing a Historic Chapter of Socialism with Chinese

O n October 16, 2022, the 20th National Congress of the CPC opened at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered a report to the congress on behalf of the 19th CPC Central Committee. The theme of the congress is: holding high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, fully implementing the Thought on …

Xi and the power of Chinese culture

Xi stressed efforts to creatively transform and develop traditional Chinese culture under the guidance of core socialist values to adapt the fine traditions with modern life. In Xi's eyes, China's excellent traditional culture is the root and soul of the Chinese nation. He emphasized the protection of traditional blocks, ancient buildings, the ...

Xi urges efforts on rural vitalization

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said that the whole Party should attach great importance to speeding up the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. He urged all-out efforts of the Party and society to pursue rural vitalization, high-quality growth of agriculture, a comfortable life in ...

China's "green miracles" highlight Xi's vision of

Indeed, under the guidance of Xi's vision of ecological civilization, tremendous progress on greening China has taken place over the years, from cultivating the Chinese people's eco-civilization awareness to adding new forests, grasslands and wetlands, and combating air and water pollution. A survey released during the COP15 …

Xi plants trees for 10th year as top leader

BEIJING -- President Xi Jinping on Wednesday planted trees in Beijing, marking the 10th year of his participation as the top leader in the annual tree-planting activity in the Chinese capital. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, said he did so to ...

Presidente Xi recién elegido dirige a China hacia la …

El sábado, Xi fue elegido por unanimidad presidente de la República Popular China (RPCh) y presidente de la Comisión Militar Central (CMC) de la RPCh. Xi asumió por primera vez la presidencia hace cinco años, y prometió impulsar la gran causa del socialismo con características chinas y esforzarse por la gran revitalización de la …

Historic Sites of Xi'an

Located at the foot of Mount Liangshan, 85 km northwest of Xi'an, Qianling is the only tomb in China for two rulers – Emperor Gaozong and his wife Wu Zetian. The tomb is divided into an inner necropolis and outer necropolis, with gates on its four sides and a total circumference of about 40 km. The existing relics above the ground include ...

China y Ecuador inician el camino hacia un TLC

China y Ecuador inician el camino hacia un TLC. 5 de febrero de 2022. El presidente chino, Xi Jinping, se reúne con su homólogo ecuatoriano, Guillermo Lasso, en el Gran Palacio del Pueblo, en Beijing. "Las relaciones entre Ecuador y China entrarán en una nueva etapa", aseguró el presidente del país sudamericano Guillermo Lasso tras la ...

Xi Jinping es elegido delegado para el XX Congreso …

El camarada Xi Jinping, nominado por el Comité Central del PCCh como candidato en Guangxi, fue elegido por votación unánime. En la mañana del día 22, tuvo lugar la elección oficial del Congreso. Estallaron aplausos cálidos cuando se pronunció que el camarada Xi Jinping fue elegido delegado para el XX Congreso Nacional del Partido …

Portrait : Xi Jinping et son ère (1)-French

Portrait : Xi Jinping et son ère (1). Dans la matinée du 18 octobre, Xi Jinping, se tenant derrière un pupitre au Grand Palais du Peuple, a présenté un rapport au 19e Congrès national du Parti communiste chinois (PCC). Le rapport de 32.000 caractères chinois, le rapport politique le plus magistral depuis ces dernières décennies, a ...

Xi leads China's final sprint to achieve milestone Xiaokang goal

Xi leads China's final sprint to achieve milestone Xiaokang goal. updatetime: 17:59:18 Views: 0 Source:Xinhua. July 1, 2021 is a date that will go down in history. As the Communist Party of China (CPC) marked its centenary, China was declared to have reached a milestone development goal. Atop Tian'anmen Rostrum, …

Xi inspects Wuhan, stresses sci-tech innovation, COVID-19 …

WUHAN, June 29 (Xinhua) -- President Xi Jinping has stressed building up China's strength in the science and technology sector, sticking to the dynamic zero-COVID policy and improving community management. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military …

Largest Inland Port Established in Xi'an

The first step in becoming an international city is participation in the world economy. As early as 2008, Shaanxi Province, of which Xi'an is the capital, invested the newly-established Xi'an International Trade and Logistics Park with the construction of China's largest inland port and international trade and logistics center.

New institute to explore Xi's thought on ecological progress …

Many of Xi's early ideas, approaches and decisions on ecological conservation are still significant today in terms of foresight and strategy, he said. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC in 2012, the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at the core has strived to build an ecological civilization and solve related issues, Yang said ...

Xi holds talks with Cuban president

BEIJING, Nov. 25 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese president, held talks Friday with Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and Cuban president, at the Great Hall of the People during his …

Xi Urges Inter-civilization Exchanges, Mutual Learning

Xi, who is in France for a state visit, made the appeal in a speech delivered at the headquarters of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris. Inter-civilization exchanges and mutual learning, he said, should be given full play as a bridge of friendship among peoples, a driving force behind human progress and a ...

Xi Jinping -- a champion of the UN ethos

Many of his important thoughts on global governance were delivered through these UN rostrums. "Peace, development, equality, justice, democracy and freedom are common values of all mankind and the lofty goals of the United Nations," Xi said under the dome of the General Assembly Hall in 2015. Hanging high behind him was a huge …


116,、APP《Beyondthe terracotta warriors—the modern ancient city of Xi'an, China》(":"),《,》《, ...

Xi stresses building Chinese free trade port with global …

On Wednesday morning, Xi heard work reports from the provincial Party committee and the provincial government, acknowledged the progress made by Hainan and encouraged it to build the free trade port into a shining Chinese model in the world. Xi described developing the Hainan free trade port as a complex and systematic project …

Xi plants trees for 10th year as top leader

President Xi Jinping on Wednesday planted trees in Beijing, marking the 10th year of his participation as the top leader in the annual tree-planting activity in the Chinese capital. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, said he did so to make his ...

Xi inspects south China's Guangdong Province

Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, learns about efforts in developing marine aquaculture at a mariculture base in Zhanjiang City, south China's Guangdong Province, April 10, 2023.

Xi Jinping et les enfants : neuf moments émouvants-French

7. Xi Jinping, grand fan de football . Xi Jinping est grand fan de football et accorde une attention particulière au développement de la cause de football parmi les adolescents chinois. Auparavant, il a dit que l'essor de la cause de football passait par les enfants. Lors de sa visite en Allemagne en 2014, Monsieur Xi a rendu visite aux ...

Xi Jinping and his father enjoy friendship with two …

In July 2011, then Vice President Xi Jinping visited the Tashilhunpo Monastery and presented a Khada on the 10th Panchen Lama's memorial stupa. In addition, Xi Jinping's father, Xi Zhongxun, had a profound friendship with the 10th Panchen Lama since the early days after the founding of New China. In Apr. 1951, Xi Zhongxun met the …

Embrace new development, Xi says

Xi made the remark during a four-day inspection tour in Fujian that concluded on Thursday. During the tour, Xi visited Nanping, Sanming and Fuzhou, the provincial capital, where he inspected the province's efforts in environmental protection, healthcare reforms, cultural relics preservation, urban development, rural vitalization and …

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Sản xuất xi măng từ thủy tinh

Thông thường, xi măng được sản xuất từ đá vôi, đất sét, đá phiến nung ở nhiệt độ 1.450 độ C bằng than cốc và than đá. Theo quy trình sản xuất này, mỗi 1 kg xi măng được sản xuất thì cũng phát thải chừng ấy khí CO 2. Tuy nhiên, loại xi măng mới này chỉ cần nung ...

Nhà máy Xi măng Quảng Trị đổi mới trong sản xuất

20/10/2014 3:39:13 PM. Sau thời gian dài chìm trong khó khăn, đến nay, Nhà máy xi măng Quảng Trị của Công ty CP Minh Hưng đã từng bước khẳng định vị thế tại thị trường xi măng trong nước. Ban lãnh đạo nhà máy xi măng đã chủ động đầu tư đổi mới 2 dây chuyền sản xuất xi ...

Xi Jinping and the Governance of China

This is why Xi's works are being actively translated into dozens of languages and widely distributed in different countries and regions. The third volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China evidences that Xi is a progressive and open-minded Chinese leader with big-picture thinking and the skills to lead the world's second-largest economy.

Xi leads China's seed industry vitalization

The key to grain security lies in its productivity, and that means the country should be capable of producing and supplying enough grains in times of need, Xi said during a meeting on rural work in 2017, underlining the development of a modern seed industry as one of the focuses for agricultural development. SOW SEEDS OF VITALIZATION.

Xi calls for accelerating building of world center for

Xi called for efforts to speed up China's upgrade toward a major world center of talent and innovation, to support the goals of basically realizing socialist modernization by 2035 and building a great modern socialist China in all respects by 2050. The conference was presided over by Li Keqiang, and attended by Li Zhanshu, Wang …

Charismatic, Enigmatic, Romantic Xi'an

He situated his capital in Chang'an (today's Xi'an), a name which means "perpetual peace" in Chinese. He renovated the Xingle and Zhangtai Palaces of the Qin Dynasty and renamed them the Changle and Weiyang Palaces respectively. Chang'an City covered an area of around 36 square kilometers. During the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD ...

Titulares de Xinhua: Sesión plenaria de PCCh aprueba una …

Una reunión de alto nivel del Partido Comunista de China (PCCh) ha adoptado una resolución histórica sobre los principales logros y la experiencia histórica de los 100 años de esfuerzos del PCCh, según un comunicado publicado hoy jueves. La resolución fue revisada y adoptada en la sexta sesión plenaria del XIX Comité Central …